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Theft Crimes

Our Lawyers Defend Your Rights

A theft crime is a criminal charge that involves taking another person's property without permission or consent. Theft crimes are broken down into two categories: petit theft and grand theft. Petit theft is a lesser crime than grand theft and is usually considered a misdemeanor because the stolen property is of low value. Grand theft is a felony because the property stolen is of higher value. In most cases, anything valued at more than $300 qualifies as grand theft.

If you have been charged with a theft-related crime, it's critical that you take legal action immediately to protect your rights. Otherwise, you could be fined hundreds or thousands of dollars and imprisoned for several months or years.

Florida theft crime lawyer Mark Sieron understands what you're going through. That's because he and his legal team at Aguilar & Sieron have decades of experience handling such complex legal cases. Find out what we can do for you. Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Types of Theft Crimes

The most common theft crimes charges in the state of Florida include:

  • Petit theft (commonly called "petty" theft)
  • Grand theft
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Credit card theft
  • Identity theft
  • Embezzlement
  • Shoplifting
  • Robbery
  • Burglary

When a person has been arrested and charged with a theft crime, whether it was misdemeanor or felony charges, shoplifting, identity theft or embezzlement, it is always in the accused's best interest to consult with an experienced theft lawyer. Mark Sieron previously worked as a prosecutor in Florida and has been representing people charged with theft crimes for more than three decades.

As your attorney, he can negotiate with prosecutors to have the charges reduced or even dismissed. This is especially true in cases involving petty theft or a first-time theft offense. If you hire an experienced Florida theft crimes lawyer, you stand a better chance of fighting off your criminal charges and moving forward with your life. Many times, all record of your arrest can be expunged from your record.

Don't miss out on your opportunity for justice. Contact Aguilar & Sieron and find out what we can do for you.