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Our Law Firm Fights Underage DUI Charges

Standing up for the rights of the accused in Clay County

The state of Florida takes a hard line against drinking and driving, which is why DUI charges can carry serious consequences. The standards for drivers under the age of 21 are even more strict, and also carry harsh penalties. At Aguilar & Sieron, P.A., our DUI lawyers know the impact these charges can have on the future of young drivers.

Under Florida law, drivers under the age of 21 are considered to be driving under the influence if they have a BAC of .02% or above. The legal limit is much lower than that for adult drivers. But the legal consequences for being above the limit are just as serious.

A first conviction for underage DUI can result in a license suspension of 6 months and a fine between $1,000 and $2,000. If the driver’s BAC was over 0.08%, there may also be jail time. A second conviction for underage DUI can result in a license suspension of 1 year, a fine between $1,000 and $4,000, and up to 12 months in jail.

There can be other penalties as well as it is against the law for people under the age of 21 to consume, possess and purchase alcohol. And there are other consequences. A DUI conviction can affect future educational and employment opportunities. Auto insurance premiums will likely be very expensive for several years.

If you or a loved one has been arrested on underage DUI charges in Florida, you need to consult an experienced attorney as soon as possible. A DUI conviction can have a big impact on a person’s life. But prosecutors don’t care about you or your future. That’s why you need an experienced DUI lawyer who will fight for your rights.

A reputation for getting results in tough cases

Attorney Mark Sieron has been helping people charged with DUI in Clay County for decades. He knows how police and prosecutors build cases, and how to fight back against serious charges. He is a highly respected defense attorney who has built a reputation for getting results and is dedicated to getting the best possible outcome in your case.

Our firm conducts a thorough review of the details of your case. Attorney Sieron knows where to look for evidence that mistakes were made. Depending on your specific situation, available options may include challenging the reason for the traffic stop, the administration of a breath test or the admissibility of breath test results.

In some cases, we’ve been able to get charges dismissed. In others, we’ve been able to get charges reduced, which can make a big difference in the severity of the penalties issued by a judge. We can’t promise what the outcome will be in your case. But we can promise that we will aggressively pursue every option available to us.

There is too much at stake when facing underage DUI charges in Florida to go it alone and hope for the best. A conviction can affect your future significantly. That’s why you need an experienced attorney to fight for your rights every step of the way. Mark Sieron has extensive experience fighting underage DUI charges in both adult and juvenile court.

You can contact 24 hours a day, 7 days week. Talk to us as soon as possible to learn more about how we can help.